If you need transportation from Lošinj to the airport of Krk contact us. At your disposal there are two options:
- Direct transport from Lošinj to the airport of Krk, or vice versa. Price is 1820,00 KN for 2 to a maximum of 8 persons with luggage. Ferry tickets included.
- Transportation from Lošinj to the ferry (Merag) and from the ferry (Valbiska) to the airport. Price from Losinj to the ferry is 730,00 KN for 2 up to 8 people with luggage, and depending on the number of people from the ferry to the airport
- 1-2 people 154,00 KN,
- 3 people 220,00 KN
- 4 people 278,00 KN
- 5-6 people 328,00 KN
- 7-8 people 402,00 KN
Are you interested in one-day trip to neighboring islands, but want to avoid crowded tourist ships this is the perfect solution to your problems.
- One-day tour from hotel Kredo to Susak and back
- One-day tour from Veli Lošinj to Susak and back
- One-day tour from hotel Kredo to Ilovik and back
- One-day tour from Veli Lošinj to Ilovik and back
- Maximum number of people is 7
- Tel:/Fax: 00385 (0) 51 236 256
- E-Mail: