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Island panorama - 360°

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Il Giardin' Retreat

Il Giardin’ beautiful villa with the swimming pool located on the foot of mount Sveti Ivan.

Dolphin Watching Lošinj

Dolphin Watching & Whispering and Sea Enjoying Tailor-made Experiences

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La Dolce Vita House

La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita **** apartments

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„Veli Buoh“– romanesque crucifix, 12th century

Since prehistoric time this area has been a meeting place of peoples and civilizations. At every turn there are indelible traces of their existence on these islands...


A large painted Romanesque crucifix (height: 433 cm, width: 220 cm), among the local population known as "Veli Buoh" or "Veli Kriz" (“Large Cross”), according to the legend floated to Susak from Italy on May 3rd, which is celebrated for centuries and is marked by the procession from the parish church of St. Nicholas to a place called Kel Kriza above the Pot Tarnak bay where the crucifix was originally found. It is possible that the ship carrying the crucifix shipwrecked near Susak and that it was thrown to coast by the sea. There is another legend, according to which the residents of Susak reduced the entrance to the church in order to prevent the removal of a crucifix by the wish of some bishop from Osor, but it has no foothold in reality.

The crucifix was made in the 12th century and in a typically Romanesque manner displays the crucified Christ alive with eyes wide open and showing no signs of suffering, a Christ who reigns from the cross and wins over death. During the restoration in 1964 it was determined that all the parts of the crucifix, except arms and legs to the knees, are original.